
The bronze serpent...

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” (Genesis 3:1) This conversation soon led to disobedience and sin.  The mankind lost its place to come close to Him.  The creation, to all it’s worth worked against its Creator. The curse followed. But God did not forget the Salvation plan He had for the creation.  He promised for a Redeemer.  He said, I will put enmity between you and the woman.  And Between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. (Genesis 3:15) As the days went by the promise was long forgotten and the guilt vanished into thin air.  Sin grew, soon the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6) The flood swept clean the earth. But God preserved Noah and his family.  Man’s sin weighed him


Mary had a visitation of an angel and a sequence of events followed.   There was not much time left to process what was happening around her. It all happened too quickly. Luke records twice in the same chapter that, “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart”. (Luke 2:19) There was a silent period of 400 years between the Testaments. Nothing much happened. Or did it happen, and it was not written down? It could be possible. During that period, two unseen remnants were waiting for the Messiah in the temple – Anna and Simeon. God had spoken to them. They silently waited. We see Zachariah faithfully serving God. These are just a few. There might be others too.  When Elijah said, he was alone, God gives him the pattern of He is going to work now and also adds, “Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” (1 Kings 19:18) In the year 1860, Evangelist John Aroolappan reads about the rev

The Perfect Blessing!

  The babies were clashing within the womb. When the mother enquired of the Lord, the Lord said, “The older will serve the younger”. He came out grasping His brother Esau’s heel, thus he was named Jacob.   From his childhood, Jacob knew that he would have the upper hand over Esau. Yet what was happening around him was not pleasing to him. He had to fend his way up - He had to buy the birthright, please his parents, save his skin from his brother and impersonate his brother to be blessed by his father…   He followed all the instructions that would bring God’s blessings. He was careful not to displease his parents. He sought to find a bride as per the guidance of his parents. He slogged and waited for his partner. Despite all the chaos in his life, God was with him throughout. He was awestruck by God’s continuous protection. He prayed and wished for a blessed life. To lead a blessed life was a hard job. Looking around him, we find all those with him also picked up the cue.  Leah bought h

Theo.Librarian Blog Posts...

  My first post on theo.librarian is out.


I was chatting with one of my connects in my circle. I cannot say that we are friends yet. But we share many common grounds, and lot of things to talk. While chatting on whatsapp, she sent an emoji, which winked at me.  I was using my desktop to chat. My girls were standing next to me, watching me chat.  When the emoji popped on the screen, the girls exclaimed, 'wow... we never knew' with a face that said, you are old for an emoji but, ok we are watching.  For me, the emojis ☺are just the emotions I cant express while I type, to the person on the other end.  Recently, my emotions went on a roller coaster ride for sometime. Frequently, I wondered why my voice was not heard at all.  On many instances, I audibly asked those who ignored my voice.  When they showed indifference, I became restless. People around me, those who stood with me, asked me to calm down.  I felt small with raging emotions inside me. I could not contain myself.  Am I so immature, that I am not able to handle

Reflections from C.S. Lewis' - Learning in War-Time!

 My kids were very small at that time.  I decided to go for my driving license. My elder daughter started schooling few days before I delivered the second one.  Until the second one, we walked to school. Now I was not able to bring the little one and walk under the noon sun. So I decided to go for my license.  I waited for few months so that I could leave my little one at home with someone.  I started my classes.  When I returned home it was a war zone! Yet I decided to continue.  Little one was very naughty... yet I continued. I had to pick up my daughter from school, yet I continued...  The day came to write my exams. I appeared for the exam and miserably failed.  Yet I continued. I appeared again and got my license.  When I reached home after the ordeal all heaved a sigh of relief... But I blunt out, "What next?"  "What?" I said, what next.... I could go for a geared license, or a heavy duty license and much more in that line! Why stop somewhere!! I came across t

Leaky Cistern!

It's Friday night.   You are getting ready to face the busy weekend. You checked the calendar twice to make sure you are well prepared to receive the visitors this weekend.   All set and you go to bed at peace.   The alarm goes off in the morning, and you are up.   You plan for a quick shower and then hit the road to receive your guests at the airport.   But... But you find no water in the bath.   Pause... Your mind races back ... Oh no... It’s just a leaky cistern which you ignored the previous night, and all the water stored for the next two days are drained!   The drippy cistern was no big deal... But it had drained out all water.  That is exactly what the Lord says in Jeremiah 2:13, My people have committed two sins. They have forsaken me, the spring of living water and have dug their own cistern, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.   When God, Almighty is talking about living water, which never runs dry - our human intelligence searches for ways to dig our o