The Perfect Blessing!


The babies were clashing within the womb. When the mother enquired of the Lord, the Lord said, “The older will serve the younger”. He came out grasping His brother Esau’s heel, thus he was named Jacob.


From his childhood, Jacob knew that he would have the upper hand over Esau. Yet what was happening around him was not pleasing to him. He had to fend his way up - He had to buy the birthright, please his parents, save his skin from his brother and impersonate his brother to be blessed by his father…


He followed all the instructions that would bring God’s blessings. He was careful not to displease his parents. He sought to find a bride as per the guidance of his parents. He slogged and waited for his partner. Despite all the chaos in his life, God was with him throughout. He was awestruck by God’s continuous protection. He prayed and wished for a blessed life. To lead a blessed life was a hard job. Looking around him, we find all those with him also picked up the cue.  Leah bought him for a fruit, and Laban continuously changed his wages. For the sake of his blessings, Laban made Jacob stay with him.


Jacob is known to cheat for a blessing. He wanted to change, so he tried his best to be right with Laban. In turn, he was deceived in the process. When everything choked his life, he wanted freedom. God asked him to move on. He thought the God who met him at Bethel will be there to watch over him. Yes, He was there! The angels met him at Mahanaim. He felt sorted and organised.


As he neared his homeland, he feared his brother’s wrath. He sent word to his brother and Esau was coming to meet him. He left his homeland in a hurry to save his life. Now again at the same crossroads. He sorted gifts for his brother and prayed a similar prayer again. He made his wives, children, livestock, and all he gathered cross the border and he stayed behind. He had to prioritise his life and wealth again.


He was alone.


He thought danger was ahead of him, but it was so close. A man started wrestling with him. He held on for his life until daybreak Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” The man asked him, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”

But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.”


Israel came out limping. But as a changed man!


To the world, he could not do much. But to God, he would do all that He would require him to do. Israel grew from an infant yearning for a blessing to a person who would serve God. He knew that Egypt with all its glory is not his place of rest. He asked his son to take him back to the promised land. He no longer thought going to Egypt was a curse or being buried among the kings of Egypt was a blessing. But doing His will is!


The author of Hebrew calls us to shift ourselves from looking for milk to solid food. He asks not to live on milk. Many times, we are overwhelmed by the thought that we are children of God and forget to embrace servanthood. We are on a checking spree, constantly checking ourselves on how blessed we are by the world’s standards and also spiritually with His gifts. In the process, we fail to do what we are supposed to do.


We are called to serve! Service means we are committed to serving others as Jesus called and exemplified. Jesus challenges us today with, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Serving Him and doing as He bids is the highest calling. May the Lord help us to grow one step at a time, maturing in His love to express it well and growing in His knowledge to have Him as the Lord of our lives – always.


Beatrice Godfrey

(Published in INSIGHT 2024 - a magazine of CGLD)


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