God can do wonders!

I was cleaning up my computer's hard disk to free some space. And I came across this.... I didnt know Godfrey had given a written form to his testimony. God is so good... Very often I think, without Christ in both of us, it would be impossible to live to gether... If all the couples get to know this fact, things would be much much easier in their marriage... We have entirely different background, way of thinking, nature... How we get along? That itself is a wonder!! Yes, God can do wonders with a willing soul. Family Background: I was born to Christian parents at Nazareth on 10/03/1975. My parents are Mr.Rajkumar Andrew and Mrs.Balammal Rajkumar. I have two younger siste rs who are married and settled in Chennai an d Tirunelveli. I married Beatrice on the 11th of May 2005. God has blessed us with two young and beautiful girls. Immanuela, my eldest daughter is in the Kinder Garden of Bright Public School and Joanne, my y ounger daughter is one year old. Born Again Experie...