God can do wonders!
I was cleaning up my computer's hard disk to free some space. And I came across this.... I didnt know Godfrey had given a written form to his testimony. God is so good...
Very often I think, without Christ in both of us, it would be impossible to live together... If all the couples get to know this fact, things would be much much easier in their marriage... We have entirely different background, way of thinking, nature... How we get along? That itself is a wonder!! Yes, God can do wonders with a willing soul.
Family Background: I was born to Christian parents at Nazareth on 10/03/1975. My parents are Mr.Rajkumar Andrew and

Born Again Experience: When I was in my 5th std, I went to my maternal grand parents house along with my parents during my holidays. There, one day, my mother and my aunt were praying. I suddenly entered the room where they were praying and was shocked to find my mother speaking in a language I have never heard before. After the prayer, out of curiosity I asked my mother about the language she was speaking during prayer. She explained that she was talking in a Heavenly language God had given her as a gift. That evening I was laying on the bed asking God to give me a heavenly experience. All of a sudden I heard some thunderous and booming sound singing Halleluiah.....Halleluiah.....!. I was afraid. I got out of the bed and enquired every one near by, if they heard the sound. But none heard it!
I went back to Trichy(my paternal grand parent's home) to pursue my studies. I did well in my studies. I enjoyed
Mathematics and Science. But Praying, Reading the Bible and Church activities were not among my priorities. They were just a drab. Slowly I believed that there was no God and that Science explained everything. From my eighth standard I began to slip in my studies. My parents feared whether I would do well in my final 12th Board examination. My father even took leave from his work to coach me for my final board examination.

After completing my 12th std final Board Exam, I went to be with my parents at Tirunelveli. There my parents had regular family prayer in the night. Every night during the prayer time, one member of the family had to pray in turn. Out of compulsion I used to join in prayer. I did not believe in God. When it was my turn to pray I said, “ Bless everyone. Amen”. That is all that I prayed.
It was Wimbledon 1992, and all the players I supported lost and the players whom my two sisters were supporting won. It the men's singles final. I supported Andre Agassi and my sisters supported Goran Ivanisevic. It was very tight match. In between we had the Family prayer and it was my turn to pray. This time I prayed that Andre Agassi may win. My mother also made the same prayer after I finished. That day Agassi won. That made me to think that “after all, may be God is there”. Then sho
rtly I read a Christian magazine which was in my home. It showed how The Bible and Science do not contradict. Soon I also joined Karunya Institute of Technology. There, one of room mate and friend guided me and I accepted the Lord as my personal Saviour and He gave me the gift of speaking in tongues during a half night prayer meeting at Karunya on the 14th of August 1992.
Call for Ministry: Shortly after being anointed by the Lord, I understood that my call is to intercede. This was later confirmed to me through various prophesies. On finishing my Engineering degree, I wanted to have an exposure in the Christian Mission fields for a year. So I joined as an Engineer at Anand Niketan, a school for Missionary Kids at Orissa. At that time I had lot of difference of opinion with my superior. And I left the school and joined an Engineering company. My mission exposure in Orissa and my relation with Mission Organisations made me to understand the need for management graduates in Christian organisations. So I prayed that if God would help me to complete my Management degree then I would work in a Christian Organisation. God answered my prayers and I joined the MBA program offered by Anna University, Chennai. During my stay in Chennai, God enabled me to lead the youth of CSI Christ Church, Alandur.
On completion of my MBA program I joined Standard Chartered Bank. Since my superior asked me to work on Sundays also, I quit the job and was fasting and praying. On the 21st day of my prayer, God spoke to me through the life of John Mark from the Bible (Acts 12:25, 13:13, Acts: 15:37-39, Col 4:10, 2Tim 4:11). And immediately I knew God wanted me to reconcile with my superior in Orissa. I told God that, “if it was God who has spoken to me, then He must ask my superior to call me immediately.” On that same day after a gap of 6 years he called me and invited me to come to Orissa. I could not believe what was happening. So I asked God to make my superior to call me the next day also. And my superior called me again. Without any more delay I told my parents what God was doing, and I moved to Orissa. When I went there I was able to reconcile. My father welcomed the move, and he told me that as the eldest son I must do God's work.
In 2007 God told me to move from Orissa. So in November 2007, I moved to Bangalore and joined “The Bethania Foundation, India” as the Administrator. This is an organisation which takes care of underprivileged and differently-abled children in many parts of Tamil Nadu and Rajahmundry.
God has blessed me!
Isaiah 58:11
And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
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