God used freaks!

My dictionary says, freaks means - any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object. I have a list of freaks God used, and I am inspired by them. We may call it utter foolishness, yet they found peace in obeying God.

I have listed few of them here... we can find many many more across the Bible...

1. Abraham - Listened to God and left his home town, luxury and wandered in the dry desert. Waited till he reached 100, to get his promised child. Never fought for his rights, instead waited on the Lord to guide him. Though he knew sodom looked green he chose to stay on God's side. He obeyed God, and was willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac... though he know God does not ask for human blood... but still he obeyed God.

2. Noah - Constructed a huge boat, talked about rain, thunder, lightening, floods, when the earth never experienced rain... housed all the animals, stored food - on simple trust in God... He was saved from the floods...

3. Jacob - Blessed Joseph's sons, in the wrong way, yet God honored it...

4. Moses - Faithfully followed God's directions in every way...

5. Joshua - Fought the unusual battle - human reasoning knows that walking around the Jericho wall will not pull down the wall. But still he believed God.

6. Gideon - The man who fought the battle with a pot and torch...

7. Daniel - Who prayed in the lions' den

8. Salmon - Married Rahab, heathen and a prostitute.

9. John the Baptist - You will not trust a man who eats honey and locusts for his breakfast! But he paved the way for his Lord...

10. Ananias - No one will ever dare to accept the task to meet Saul. But he obeyed God. The simple obedience changed Saul into Paul.

God expects the simple faith in Him, to obey. Give Him the freedom to work on us... He will do wonders!


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