Christmas with Mary!

It's Christmas!

The weather had turned chilly. Christmas carols could be heard in our neighborhood. I can peep through my window, while cooking, which I loved more than the cooking itself. I could see people wrapping themselves until they melt within their warm clothes, go for walk in the early hours of the morning.

I kept busying myself at the kitchen counter or else kids will be late because of my wandering mind. My emotions went high and low with many thoughts. I was proud to be a mother of two daughters. I enjoyed being called Mrs. Godfrey. I pitied myself that I had to cook, and clean after myself. I was proud that My God was teaching me several things recently. Then I started thinking He was asking me to chew more than I could swallow. I am talking about the relationship - me and my God. Simple! - He was teaching me Discipleship!! To take up His Cross and follow Him - willingly!!!

My mind wandered to the first Christmas.

There was a silent period of almost 400 long years. Mary was busy in her work. Many thoughts crossed her mind while she was working. She is engaged to be married to Joseph. She liked Joseph. He was the level-headed man she ever saw.  She was thinking how she would keep her new home - what-will-go-where thoughts. In my imagination she is a simple girl who loved life.

Suddenly she saw a bright light. An angel appeared and said, you will bear a Son! It was quite natural for the curious girl to ask the angel, how was that possible.  When Angel told about the plan of God, she accepted immediately. Never once she thought, that she was cornered by the Creator. Very often I get that thought when God is trying to teach me something. But Mary, being a young girl has accepted her situation, not only willingly, also joyfully.

She never thought what would Joseph think of her. Will her mother approve her reason for the pregnancy? Will her friends tease her for who she has become - a posible prostitute! 

Yes, she remembered her mother telling her about how the prophets talked about the coming of Messiah. Virgin will give birth - That was the sign. Yet so difficult to explain, the fulfillment of the promise.

She may be insignificant. Yet she was bold enough to stand for Him. She loved God more than her reputation. A true disciple!

How do we define success? flashy and brilliant? Mary did not resemble Success to her friends, But in His sight she was precious little girl, who would do anything for Him! That's Mary!!


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