And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. (Gen. 1:29)
Genesis records the history of creation - how the world came into being.  When God created the vegetation, He created them for our health and sustenance – of course with seeds. Genesis 1:11 and 12 say how the earth sprout forth vegetations, plants and fruit bearing trees with seeds. And God saw that they were good.
A seed is the life of any plant in dormant condition, which is capable of developing into another such plant. But today market is flooded with seedless fruits and fleshy vegetables. Man changed the genetics of the fruits so that they become sweeter and tastier. This verse makes us wonder, is there a difference that a tiny seed can make to a fruit? Research tells that seeds have more nutritional value than the fruit itself and they are the cure for many illnesses. But, in the name of Technology, the Ecology God intended it to be, is slowly vanishing.
We may manage to remember Earth Day year after year. But never realize that our little choices on choosing seeded fruits, using paper bags, sensitivity towards drippy taps, chemicals we use, etc make us a good stewards.  Let us ask God's help to live a healthy lifestyle.
Thought: Little effort on our part as the God's Stewards, can make a lot of difference on Planet Earth
[Photo: Beatrice | Published in Word For Today]


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