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I was walking along with my mom, to the Church. To tell you the fact, I am not used to shoes. But I wore a pretty dress and a red shoes. I was so proud of it, that I looked at it now and then. My dad's colleague met us on the road. Uncle rode a moped. Uncle wanted to take me and his son with him on the moped, leaving Aunty to accompany my mom. As a 7 year old girl, I refused to trust anyone's ability on the vehicle but my father. I said firm 'no' to climb up. But coaxing and pleading, I sat behind him. Within few yards, my shoe strap tangled on the wheel, sucked in my leg too... I was too frightened and screamed with pain. God protected me from the unseen dangers. The scare and memories still fresh within me, yet His unfailing love overshadowing everything. Till today I still suffer cracks and wounds on that place, since it is short of skin. Yet He has been good to me. I joined AVC College of Engineering in the year 2000. I was asked to wear black rubber sho...

God used freaks!

My dictionary says, freaks means - any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object. I have a list of freaks God used, and I am inspired by them. We may call it utter foolishness, yet they found peace in obeying God. I have listed few of them here... we can find many many more across the Bible... 1. Abraham - Listened to God and left his home town, luxury and wandered in the dry desert. Waited till he reached 100, to get his promised child. Never fought for his rights, instead waited on the Lord to guide him. Though he knew sodom looked green he chose to stay on God's side. He obeyed God, and was willing t o sacrifice his only son Isaac... though he know God does not ask for human b lood... but still he obeyed God. 2. Noah - Constructed a huge boat, talked about rain, thunder, lightening, floods, when the earth never experienced rain... housed all the animals, stored food - on simple trust in God... He was saved from the floods... 3. Jacob - Blessed Jose...

God can do wonders!

I was cleaning up my computer's hard disk to free some space. And I came across this.... I didnt know Godfrey had given a written form to his testimony. God is so good... Very often I think, without Christ in both of us, it would be impossible to live to gether... If all the couples get to know this fact, things would be much much easier in their marriage... We have entirely different background, way of thinking, nature... How we get along? That itself is a wonder!! Yes, God can do wonders with a willing soul. Family Background: I was born to Christian parents at Nazareth on 10/03/1975. My parents are Mr.Rajkumar Andrew and Mrs.Balammal Rajkumar. I have two younger siste rs who are married and settled in Chennai an d Tirunelveli. I married Beatrice on the 11th of May 2005. God has blessed us with two young and beautiful girls. Immanuela, my eldest daughter is in the Kinder Garden of Bright Public School and Joanne, my y ounger daughter is one year old. Born Again Experie...

In the process...

I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His Work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.... Phil. 1:6 Not Finished Yet-But Someday... Dear God, I am growing in my faith. I am growing in my knowledge of your Word. I am growing as a woman and as a mother. I am growing in my ministry to others. Sometimes I fall short in my attitudes and actions. Still, I am growing.... What a wonderful work you began in my life. You gave me peace, confindence, and gentlness I never knew before. On my final day on earth, dear God, whether it is because Jesus comes back to gather those who love Him or because I am at the moment of my death, I look forward to seeing you face to face and knowing that your work in my life has been perfected. From:Whisper a Prayer - For Moms by Tyndale House Publications